Saturday, April 7, 2007

Quiet Time

Psalm 4:4-5 -- "Don't sin by letting anger gain control over you. Think about it overnight and remain silent. Offer proper sacrifices, and trust in the Lord."

I had highlighted verse 4, but I hadn't considered verse 5 in conjunction with verse 4. I'm so good at letting my anger get control over me. Unfortunately my children and dog have seen a bit too much of my anger. When Cate and Dora run and hide during one of my tantrums, that can't be good. It means that they fear the anger may be directed their way soon! Oh dear! It seems so hard to just be silent and think about it. That's why verse 5 is so important. "...[t]rust in the Lord." I forget so often that I need to trust God and give my emotions to Him.

Psalm 39 -- David said that he was going to watch his words around the ungodly. As he was silent, he reached his bursting point. His thoughts wanted to get control of him, but he turned to God. He asks God to remind him about the frailty and shortness of human life. Apparently he is being punished for some sin. At the end of the Psalm he asks God to spare him so that he can smile again. I just think it's interesting that when David wanted to watch what he said, he even had a hard time controlling himself.

Proverbs 21:23 -- "If you keep your mouth shut, you will stay out of trouble."

This is a good one for me to remember! All of the trouble and hurt I could have avoided if I had just kept my mouth shut!

God needs to take control of my anger, and I need to hand it over to him. When I try to handle my anger, I end up being destructive to the ones I love the most. I'm also destructive to the house.

Dear God, I am so glad that you are the almighty, sovereign God! You are much bigger than I can fathom. My temper is not too big for you. My hot-headedness can be good when it's directed in a holy way, but You need to teach me that. Please take the destructive temper that wounds my children's hearts. Forgive me for not trusting you to be able to help me. Jesus overcame death, so that through Him, I can overcome all things. Please heal my heart and the hearts of my children. Please help them to be forgiving toward me. God, I know you hear me today. Thank you for loving me so much! I love you, God. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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